Tuesday, March 20, 2007

South England road trip, October 2006

These are some piccies of our leisurely 6 day drive around the south of England in October of 2006, while my dear old mum was over from Australia with my aunt. First stop was the infamous Brighton Pier, which while a landmark, is little more than a collection of greasy takeaways, junk shops and kid's rides on a wharf. Worth visiting once I guess. My mum and my aunt. It had to be done. What trip around south England would be complete without visiting Stonehenge? Truly a mystical/spiritual place. Bath is maybe my favorite city in England so far, right up there with London and York. Bath wins the best looking city out of those 3 easily though because of its rows of remarkably consistent Georgian facades set against the hillside. Obligatory mother/son picture, in Bath. ...and that's why they called it Bath. Funny thing is, when the Romans built it the city was a good 10 metres lower than where it is today, so this picture is actually taken from not far above modern-day street level.


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